Duvenaghe, S. S.Oldewage-Theron, W. H.Chibe, Mumsy Evidence2013-07-222013-07-222013-07-222007-09http://hdl.handle.net/10352/134Thesis (M. Tech. (Food Service Management, Dept. of Hospitality and Tourism)--Vaal University of TechnologyMost of the world's children between 5 and 15 years of age attend school, though many do so under difficult circumstances. A large percentage of school children is underfed and poorly nourished (Engelbrecht 2005: l; Worsley 2005:135; DoE 2004:1). The aim of the Joint Aid Management (JAM) school-feeding programme was to reduce malnutrition by providing a mid-morning snack to alleviate short-term hunger, support nutrient intake, enhance active learning capacities and improve school attendance (JAM 2004:4). The equivalent of lOOg raw com-soya blend (CSB) was to be provided to the children on a daily basis. The main objective of this study was to determine the sustainability of CSB porridge use in the Orange Farms school-feeding programme. Regulatory compliance and product acceptability over time was addressed. Adjustments to the ratio of ingredients and portion size (83g) of the porridge served were calculated within practical limitations. The South African school feeding guidelines indicated that 25 percent of the energy needs for the 7-1 0 year olds, and 20 percent for the 11-14 year olds should be provided; while JAM indicated that 70 percent of the RDA recommendations (according to UNICEF 2002) should be provided by the product. A comparison between the applicable RDA for gender and age against daily dietary intake (habitual intake plus CSB porridge)revealed that the needs for vitamin A, riboflavin, niacin, folate, iron and zinc have been met, while calcium could not be provided in full. The needs for vitamins C and Bl2 were provided for in full through the CSB intake. Overall, the CSB intake made a substantial contribution to nutritive intake. Both the perceptions for taste (Reitumetse 75-80% and Sinqobile 88-83%) and texture (Reitumetse 74-82% and Sinqobile 71-78%) increased over time. As several learners (25%) consumed second servings twice (34%) but up to five times a week (21%), it can be assumed that the additional nutrient intake benefited the neediest children the most. It is recommended that CSB porridge should be introduced in areas where the dietary intake is compromised.v. (various pagings: ill.enNutrition of school childrenCorn-soya blend porridgeSchool feeding programmes614.59390968Malnutrition in childrenSchool feeding programCorn -- NutritionSoyfoodsSustainability of corn soya blend use in the Orange Farms school feeding programmeThesis